Using a genetic algorithm coded by matlab , the nonlinear programming problem was calculated 针对此分段非线性函数规划问题,运用matlab编写遗传算法程序进行了计算。
The algorithm codes an image into multi - layer bitstream , and then the multi - layer bitstream is coded ulteriorly with the improved adaptive binary arithmetic 将图像进行零树小波编码后的小波系数符号流采用改进的自适用算术编码方法进行二次编码。
The genetic algorithm coding in the real number is engaged to optimize the structure and original parameters of bp neural network , so the network can learn the training patterns more accurately 该方法采用实数编码的遗传算法优化bp网络的结构及初始参数,从而提高了网络的精度。
So , in order to reduce the time complexity , a parallel clustal algorithm was designed based on a pc of windows operating system and multiple processors . furthermore , the core algorithm codes of fast pairwise alignmet were optimized in clustal 为进一步优化算法的运行时间,设计了基于windows操作系统的、单机多处理器的clustal并行算法,并对clustal程序中的两两快速比对的核心算法进行了代码优化。
3 ) the instruction - level parallel calculation of streamlines on 3d curvilinear grids has been implemented firstly by using the streaming simd extensions ( sse ) , which are a set of extensions of the intel pentium hi / 4 processor . compared with the conventional algorithm , sse - based algorithm coded by vector class library enhances performance about 55 % , and coded by inlined - assembly is about 75 % ) pentium ( pentium4 )处理器的流simd扩展( sse ) ,首次实现了3d曲线网格流线计算的指令级并行,与传统算法相比,向量类库编码实现的sse算法将性能提高了55左右,嵌入汇编实现提高了75左右。